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Cloud-Native Application Testing: Why it is Critical for Your Business?

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

For every organization, innovation and resilience is the only thing that keeps them motivated to keep going amidst a global pandemic.

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Why Multicloud Adoption Implies Long-term Value Instead of Lowered IT Spend

By Innominds In Cloud & DevOps Posted

In the absence of a planned cloud strategy, adopting a multicloud approach may lead to higher spending. A long-term value vs cost perspective will help enterprises realize higher benefits.

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Introduction to LiveData in Android

By Manimala Gudi In Mobility Posted

Application users expect UI components to respond interactively with the changes and updates in related data for a more interactive and dynamic usage experience. Such changes to the UI make application interaction attractive to a wider audience profile and leaves customers satisfied with a brand’s experience.

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Essential Strategies to Overcome IoT Automation Testing Challenges

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

IoT application testing is an essential part of smart device development. Just like any other system, the IoT systems have to work seamlessly well in the desired environment during their deployment. Hence, it demands rigorous testing as they are often deployed in heterogenous application platforms with various infrastructural dependencies. The devices are also mostly located far from any

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Optimizing Initial Webpage Load and SEO with Server-Side Rendering

Very few developers concentrate their web building efforts on the client experience or the overall organizational marketing strategies. In order to bring up your website on a search result, you need to make some changes to the website through some best practices during the development for optimal page load time.

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Combining the Strength of Cloud with Edge Computing

By Innominds In Cloud Posted

Centralized servers were established as the be all and end all of computing until it started to change as this form of computing is costly, hard to scale and resource intensive. Cloud computing emerged as the most flexible model of computing that could cater to a wider range of networking requirements. But computing needs have grown to the peripherals of the network with devices called as edge

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Driving Smart Farming with Advanced AI, IoT, and Data Solutions

By Innominds In Connected Devices and IoT Posted

At the core of the advanced AI, IoT, big data and analytics-based solutions for smart farming is the collection and analysis of data for generating real-time relevant insights at scale and speed, leading to phenomenally higher yield and better utilization of resources.

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Servitization in the Age of Smart Manufacturing

By Innominds In Connected Devices and IoT Posted

Boosted by the growing adoption of advanced technologies, sensors, and the Internet of Things (IoT), could servitization become the default business model for smart manufacturers?

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Six Easy Steps to Create Android Instant Apps

Ever wondered about how to try out an app without installing it ? We wrote about App Clips in iOS in our last blog. Here we will show you how to create instant Apps on Android OS.

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Stepping Towards Successful Autonomous Software Testing

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Most organizations spend thousands of hours creating QA tests for applications, meticulously breaking down the application and debugging it from release to release. This enormous amount of time spent in manual testing produces very little outcome as it slows down development and affects productivity. Automating the testing by injecting test automation scripts into every stage of the test cycle

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