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How to Become a Remote-First Company Mitigating the Covid-19 Crisis

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Technology Posted

Almost one-third of the world’s population is under strict lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, which has impacted the global economy, affecting many businesses and forcing millions of people to stay at home.

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Helping IoT Solutions with NodeJS and DSA

By Srinivasulu Dommaraju In Technology, App Development Posted

An Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) IoT is the new buzz word that is an ecosystem of computer devices, automated/digital machines, objects, which hold unique identifiers and has the ability to transfer data over the network without involving human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The purpose of IoT is to have a fully connected world in which all objects are interoperable with

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Major Challenges for Telecom Service Providers (TSP) in IoTized APAC region

By Soumya Bhattacharya In Technology Posted

With a population of over 4.4 billion strong and growing, constituting 40% of the world’s GDP and with a GDP growth rate, double that of the rest of the world, APAC undoubtedly, is fast becoming the hub of world’s economic activities. This region also stands as a major manufacturing hub for the world. Naturally, APAC is leading in its strategy deployment efforts in many new technologies, such as

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4 Tips for Successful Digital Transformation

Digital business is shifting from a future strategic vision by IT leaders and digital leaders to providing a true competitive edge. New digital technologies are transforming the way your enterprise business operates, as you begin the balance of delivering better service to your customer, improving efficiency, and cutting costs.

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Digital Transformation (DX) Is Moving...Moving Toward a DX Economy

Long ago, back around 2007, we all were introduced to the 3rd Platform, with cloud as its core and solutions that offered anytime, anyplace access to application functionality. The platform was built on the technology pillars of mobile computing, cloud services, big data and analytics and social networking.

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Don’t Ignore the Deviances. They Tell You Good Things About Your Model

By Ravi Kumar Meduri In Big Data & Analytics, Technology Posted

Many a times, data scientists and analysts input data and then train a model like logistic regression for classification. Most of the practitioners do not seem to spend enough time on this part of the output and instead focus only on the top level diagnostics consisting of coefficient summary, RMSE or classification matrix and may be the overall measure such as an R2 in the case of a linear

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