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QA Automation Testing – Driving New-Age Businesses Towards Excellence

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Software testing is a crucial part of the app development life cycle. There is no way an application can be rolled out to the end-users without thoroughly testing all of its features and functionalities. As important as QA testing is, it is also undeniable that it is extremely repetitive and time-consuming. Manual testing procedures require teams to develop multiple test cases to test every

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Why More and More Businesses are Adopting AI-Driven Quality Engineering to Deliver Impeccable Customer Experience

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

In the tech-driven world, customers’ expectations are changing dramatically. To keep ahead of the competition, organizations must be agile enough to respond ceaselessly across all the channels to these ever-increasing expectations, that are often driven by an individual’s experience in using technology in everyday life.

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How Innominds Tested 9 Releases of a Cloud-Based Digital Workforce Product by Delivering 100% Test Execution

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Innominds supported over 9 releases of a global digital workforce management product. Our testing team performed comprehensive Quality Engineering (QE) with testing process automation for successful releases.

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80% Reduction in Testing Efforts for A VR Gaming Platform from Innominds’ Test Automation Labs

By Innominds In QA, Quality Engineering Posted

Game testing is a specialized skill that requires diverse tests to be performed in order to meet complex architectural needs and recent emergent compliance rules in game development. The number of elements interacting with each other inside a game is large, so identifying and testing them takes up a large chunk of the time and effort of test engineers.

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Car Sales Solution Finds New Trajectories in Quality Engineering with DevOps and Test Automation

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Adapting to changing consumer requirements is a primary goal for any organization to sell better and progress in managing their business from the sales point of view. When a business fails to recognize the customer’s choice and preferences, catering to the relevant market becomes more and more of a stressful scenario.

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Asset Tracking Solution Relies on Innominds’ End-to-End IoT Sensor Testing on Web-App, Cloud, and Device

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Quality Engineering Posted

Asset tracking and management pose a tremendous challenge to organizations that deal with transportation of various equipment, supplies and material from one location to the other or over long distances. Losses, theft and damage to assets result in losses amounting to trillions of dollars for companies around the world.

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How Innominds Became the Strategic QE Partner for a Global Cloud Data Platform

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Quality Engineering Posted

Software quality assurance currently stresses upon the speed of delivery of apps on top of quality through the implementation of better QA practices that includes DevOps. Supporting faster development through automation and DevOps CI/CD is considered the better alternative to old QA methods.

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Cloud-Native Application Testing: Why it is Critical for Your Business?

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

For every organization, innovation and resilience is the only thing that keeps them motivated to keep going amidst a global pandemic.

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Essential Strategies to Overcome IoT Automation Testing Challenges

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

IoT application testing is an essential part of smart device development. Just like any other system, the IoT systems have to work seamlessly well in the desired environment during their deployment. Hence, it demands rigorous testing as they are often deployed in heterogenous application platforms with various infrastructural dependencies. The devices are also mostly located far from any

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