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Innominds Blogs About Latest Software Technologies | Innominds Blog | Digital Products & Applications

Why Rapid Application Development (RAD) is Important and When and How Should You Use it

The success or failure of enterprise digital transformation initiatives is directly related to the quality of the execution and time to market. Rapid application development (RAD) is a move away from the traditional Waterfall method to an Agile approach to help businesses develop new products/features and functions quickly enough to stay competitive in a fast-evolving digital world. But what

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What You Need to Do Before You Adopt Microservices

Introduction Microservices can drive your digital agenda and provide you many benefits over legacy systems. But as I’ve described before microservices architectures can do more harm than good if not properly implemented.

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Validating JSON Document Against Schema

Overview JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types. JSON is based on JavaScript and is easy to read & write. Since every browser supports JavaScript, JSON has become the de-facto form for data interchange. A tool like JSON schema is required to validate the

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An Easy Way to Create a Sample Unit Test Project With xUnit

Have you ever thought how testers test their own codes? Or, the methods put into practice by them to test before releasing code for testing? Well, the simple answer to all these questions is Unit Testing. It is one of the testing techniques and is a component of Test Driven Development (TDD). Using this technique, we can test independent methods, modules, interfaces and validate if it has any

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Azure Service Fabric & Stateless Services: The Gateway to Development and Management of Microservices

By Tushar Tyagi In Digital Products & Applications Posted

Introduction With distributed computing being the solution for cloud-era applications, which needs to scale with the user load, one obvious solution is to use Microservices. It allows the application domain to be segregated into different logical parts, which can scale up and down as per the user load.

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