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Manimala Gudi
 Innomids blog author - Manimala Gudi
Manimala Gudi - Engineer - Software Engineering

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SonarQube Integration with Android Studio

By Manimala Gudi In Mobility Posted

Introduction: As developers it's our responsibility to ensure efficient and quality source code. And sometimes it may be required to generate the quality report of the source code. SonarQube is a Code Quality Assurance tool that collects and analyzes source code and provides reports for the source code quality of our project. It is a static code analyzer tool on the server side, which is very

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Introduction to LiveData in Android

By Manimala Gudi In Mobility Posted

Application users expect UI components to respond interactively with the changes and updates in related data for a more interactive and dynamic usage experience. Such changes to the UI make application interaction attractive to a wider audience profile and leaves customers satisfied with a brand’s experience.

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