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Kishore Kumar Vangala
 Innomids blog author - Kishore Kumar Vangala
Kishore Kumar Vangala - Senior Engineer - Software Engineering

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Introduction to Custom Fonts as Resource

By Kishore Kumar Vangala In Mobility Posted

Wouldn’t it be a lot better to use custom fonts as a resource in place of images for small icons?

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Introduction to Effects in Xamarin

By Kishore Kumar Vangala In Mobility Posted

Xamarin is an open-source cross-platform for application development which reduces the individual development efforts for different platforms such as iOS, Android, and Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

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Introduction to Xamarin.Forms Custom Renderers

By Kishore Kumar Vangala In Mobility Posted

Introduction to Custom Renderers Xamarin assists in delivering native Android, iOS and Windows apps with a single shared .NET codebase. However, controls look different on different platforms. Example: TextBox as shown below Xamarin.Forms exposes a complete cross-platform UI Toolkit for .NET developers. This UI Toolkit renders UI controls as per native platform design. When someone is developing

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