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In this age of digital disruption, emerging technologies and human centric transformation help enterprises to create more adaptive models, processes and systems. At Innominds, we assist companies accelerate their Digital Transformation through our comprehensive expertise in devices, apps and analytics.

Digital Strategy is Paramount

Contrary to the popular belief, technology is incomplete without a proper strategy in place. Having a conclusive strategy is a primal driving force for a successful Digital Transformation of any business. Our evolutionary journey and experience working with various customers for over two decades has taught us that technology, coupled with a solid business strategy, drives an organization’s Digital Transformation wheel. We understand this and hence help businesses thrive by carving out and executing the right strategy to provide necessary competitive advantage and success.

Innominds Powering the Digital Next

Devices, Apps & Analytics: Fulcrum of Digital Transformation


With nearly two decades of experience in delivering robust, innovative and reliable solutions in product development, we help our customers achieve the below key Digital Transformation outcomes.

Engage Customers Better


Engage Customers Better

  • Intelligent Customer Experience/Personalized
  • Omni Channel experience for the entire customer journey
  • Customer Insight/Social Sentiment Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Customer feedback and sharing experience 

Digital Products and Services


Digital Products and Services

  • Connected products
  • Value added
  • Intelligent apps and devices
  • Boundary less (Open)

Digital Operations


Digital Operations

  • Rapid Experimentation – Digital MV Prototypes & A/B Testing
  • Supply Chain Digitization
  • Mass Personalization
  • Increase workforce collaboration and productivity
  • Better Performance Management – Real time data using sensors/event-based triggers for goal-based manufacturing

Our Work at a Glance

We have applied our devices, apps and analytics capabilities and assets to solve common business problems across industries.

Workflow Insights


Hospital Management

Health Services

Providers, Payers

Healthcare, Insurance

Sales Intelligence


Market Place

Digital Marketing

Enterprise Sales

Enterprises, B2B, B2C

Customer Experiences





Retail, BFSI

Regulatory Compliances


Enterprise Security

Litigation Management

Telecom, Enterprises

Product Life Cycle Mgmt.


Product Information

Digital Assets

Retail, Lifestyle

Asset   Tracking


Construction Tools

Office Equipment

Construction, Healthcare

Field Operations


Field Operations

Equipment Services

Construction, OEMs

Innominds Digital Capabilities

The 20 key digital capabilities and assets given below are used to drive Digital Transformation.


Intelligent Customer
Experience/Context Aware
Multi-device/Multi-Channel Capabilities
Bots and Conversational UI
Virtual Reality
Microservices Architecture
API Based Networks
Security and Compliance
Design Thinking/Agile


Multi Tenancy & Cloud Computing
DevOps/Full Automation
Robotic Process Automation
Intelligent Cloud


Big Data and Real Time Analytics
Unified Data and Process Management
Self-Healing & Telemetry


Intelligent Apps/Devices (AI/ML)
IoT/Intelligent Edge
3D Printing

Digital Transformation Engagement Model

Our Digital Transformation Engagement Model ensures a faster, successful project completion & delivery, thereby empowering businesses to achieve their business objectives and serve their customers better.


  • Digital Maturity Analysis
  • Workshop
  • IT Landscape
  • Ready made Questionnaire
  • Response Analysis


  • Design Thinking
  • Customer Journey
  • Business Architecture
  • Technology/Data Reference Model
  • IT Goals and Priorities
  • Program List


  • Target Architecture
  • Business Case
  • Program Roadmap
  • Re-Design IT Landscape


  • Program Governance/Management
  • MVP/Pilot initiatives
  • Agile and DevOps
  • Change Management

New Age Tools for Digital Transformation

Innominds has a long pedigree of developing global products and platforms for several product companies. As a part of this journey, we have been involved in doing the 5 Rs - Rehost, Refactor, Revise, Rebuild and Replace from legacy to state of the art or futuristic digital technologies across several areas.

Technology Focus Current/Legacy Architecture State of the Art/Futuristic Digital Architecture
Application Platforms Java EE/.Net based Multi-Tiered Apps, Mainframe based Procedural Code Xamarin/UWP based Cross Platform apps, Low Code High Productivity tools and Cognitive Platforms
Application Architectures MVC, AJAX, Server based (Mainframe), Client Server (Oracle Forms and VB) Cloud based Auto Scaled Applications, Serverless & Event Driven Architectures
Application Integration (B2B, Within Enterprise) ESB/SOA based integration platforms and Flat file-based file transfer Blockchain Platform, Distributed Databases, Integration Hubs and Event based actions
Data Platforms Relational databases, Hierarchical Database (IMS) and Flatfile (VSAM) Distributed Databases (Blockchain), Cloud based Hyper Scale Databases and NOSQL
Hardware Platforms SMP (P-Series), Big Endian Unix, MPP Parallel SYSPLEX and Shared Everything Cloud based MPP and End to End IoT
Infrastructure Operations Oracle Enterprise Manager, Powershell, Shell Scripting, JCL, REXX and RACF based management DevOps based Infrastructure as Code, Automation and AIOPS
High Availability & Scalability SQL Server Replication, Active Data Guard, MSCS clustering and Parallel SYSPLEX Cloud based Auto Scaling, Serverless Architecture, Microservices and Containers on Kubernetes
Data Architecture ODS, DW, STAR Schema, OLTP and Large Data Sets Multi-Tenant SaaS Design, NOSQL, Smart Contracts, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics & AI
User Experience JSP/JSF/AJAX based web applications, Green Terminals, IMS/DC and Client Server Screens Cognitive User Experience, Facial, Voice BOTS, Conversational UI and AR/VR
Methodologies Rational 4+1 Views, TOGAF based Enterprise Architecture and Water Fall based on Function Points Fast Fail and Immutable Architectures

Our Platforms and Accelerators

Innominds is a pioneering technology leader that assists organizations across the spectrum in the automation, modernization and digitization of their businesses. Armed with an array of cutting-edge advanced analytics & integrated test automation platform and accelerators, it is your partner of choice.

KiteBoard arimdm iFusion Harmony NUMIX ANPR

Why Innominds

Although, there are lots of complexities and challenges involved in the Digital Transformation process, Innominds is well positioned to cater to serve organization's various requirements in their Digital Transformation journey. Having a well-oiled mechanism in place coupled with unique and insightful thinking process, Innominds is the partner of choice when it comes to achieving business objectives through Digital Transformation.

Our Digital Transformation team has a ground up view and understands all the project delivery completion and delivery nuances. It is well equipped with the right technology expertise and has been trained to work in collaboration with other solution teams for a successful project completion and delivery.

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