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Kali Prasanna Mishra
 Innomids blog author - Kali Prasanna Mishra
Associate Manager - Software Engineering

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UI5 Applications: Debugging Tools and Tips that Help Developers Become Super-Efficient

By Kali Prasanna Mishra In Design UX & UI Posted

My primary objective is to explore various debugging options available for a UI5 application that can make a developer more productive in terms of detecting and fixing bad practices, memory leaks, Fiori design flaws, etc. I have been working on OpenUI5 applications for quite some time, apart from other Js frameworks like Angular, React, Ember, etc. Debugging applications is just a natural &

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Upgrade Debugging Skills with Chrome's Developer Console Tool

By Kali Prasanna Mishra In Design UX & UI Posted

Being a developer, one must learn how to write efficient code and debug it swiftly. Excellent debugging skills add value to an individual and to the team to find and help fix bugs faster. Every browser vendor is making a sincere effort in enhancing the developer console tool to make it accessible and useful to developers. New capabilities for Chrome's developer console tools are getting pushed in

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