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How Conversational AI Creates New Business Avenues for Enterprises and ISVs

By Innominds In Solutions Posted

As businesses are growing, serving customer queries is no longer restricted to direct and personal employee interactions but has instead moved to digital channels through interactive displays and service chat bots.

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Invoice Processing – Automation and Transformation

By Siri Appaneni In Solutions Posted

Invoice Processing has traditionally been one of the top manual time and cost consuming jobs in any organization. Every day, invoices worth billions are processed and accounts payable is one process which mid to large size companies cannot avoid. Additionally, one has to go through each and every email, download invoices, verify and extract the data manually and finally, process it for payments.

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How Chatbots Are Growing and Transforming Businesses

By Siri Appaneni In Solutions Posted

"By 2020, the average person will have more conversations with bots than with their spouse". *Source:

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