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Advanced Threat Detection With Modern SIEM Solutions

By Silpa Chennupati In Enterprise Security Posted

“Information is the oxygen of the digital era, now it's your choice to pollute with cyber threats or purify with SIEM solutions”

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Enhancing Product Security By Adopting Shift Left Security Approach: Secure SDLC

By Venkatesh Gottipati In Enterprise Security Posted

Secure Software Development Life Cycle “Necessity may be the mother of invention, but adopting security is an investment, not an expense.”

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Significance of Artificial Intelligence in Information Security

By Venkatesh Gottipati In Enterprise Security Posted

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence One of the most buzzing word of the 21st century is Artificial Intelligence (AI). There is an obvious confusion when it comes to terms such as AI, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Artificial Intelligence is the process of mimicking a human brain in understanding, thinking, deciding and working to solve a problem. It is the capability of a

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Open Source Tools for Identity and Access Management

Identity & Access Management (IAM) forms the core of cybersecurity policies and platforms. Verifying users and securing credentials assist in preventing an overwhelming majority of data breaches. In modern enterprise's digital ecosystem, IAM robust authentication protocol can keep digital assets secure apart from providing a protection shield from external sources. Let us understand what IAM

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