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UI5 Applications: Debugging Tools and Tips that Help Developers Become Super-Efficient

By Kali Prasanna Mishra In Design UX & UI Posted

My primary objective is to explore various debugging options available for a UI5 application that can make a developer more productive in terms of detecting and fixing bad practices, memory leaks, Fiori design flaws, etc. I have been working on OpenUI5 applications for quite some time, apart from other Js frameworks like Angular, React, Ember, etc. Debugging applications is just a natural &

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How to Create SAP HANA OData Services

By Mahalingam Murali Iyer In Design UX & UI Posted

In my previous blog we have learnt the basics of SAP UI5 and the steps for setting up the SAP UI5 project development environment. In this blog, we shall understand the basics of SAP HANA and and the steps for creating backend OData service.

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Why SAP UI5 is the Best Fit for Web Development

By Mahalingam Murali Iyer In Design UX & UI Posted

SAP UI5 is a UI framework that helps in the rapid development of enterprise-class responsive applications. It has lots of ready-made controls that can easily be integrated to build applications quickly. If you are looking for fast development of enterprise application, this is the best fit.

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How Redux Helps in Managing State in JavaScript Application

By Govardhan reddy Regalla In Design UX & UI Posted

What is State in JavaScript? Every UI component needs some data to render it. Based on the user interaction, like when a user edits it, some other user changes it or due to external factors, this data may change. The UI component must react to these changes and re-render the UI to show the latest data to the user.

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Refactoring YouTube Player to Use Flux — Part 2

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In Design UX & UI Posted

Welcome to the second part of the blog. In this part, we will add the SearchBar functionality. We need to start by updating the App.js to include SearchBar as shown in the image below.

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Refactoring YouTube Player to Use Flux — Part 1

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In Design UX & UI Posted

Previously, I have written a three part series blog to create a YouTube Player in ReactJS. It only used React and depended heavily on call backs from children to parent, particularly in a case wherein it was two levels deep.

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Create YouTube Player in ReactJS — Part 3

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In Design UX & UI Posted

Finally, we have come to the concluding part of the blog series. As of now, we have three main tasks remaining. First, showing the video player, second the option to click on a video to change it in video player and third is search capabilities to search for videos.

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Upgrade Debugging Skills with Chrome's Developer Console Tool

By Kali Prasanna Mishra In Design UX & UI Posted

Being a developer, one must learn how to write efficient code and debug it swiftly. Excellent debugging skills add value to an individual and to the team to find and help fix bugs faster. Every browser vendor is making a sincere effort in enhancing the developer console tool to make it accessible and useful to developers. New capabilities for Chrome's developer console tools are getting pushed in

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Create YouTube Player in ReactJS — Part 2

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In Design UX & UI Posted

Welcome to the second part of the blog. Let’s start from where we left in part one, but first add Bootstrap to our project so that it looks good. Add this in index.html in the head part.

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Create YouTube Player in ReactJS —  Part 1

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In Design UX & UI Posted

My journey with React started more than a year ago. I was already doing web-development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the past seven years. Later, I completed the Freecodecamp front end certification, too. React came like a cool kid in front end development, which was a must at the time. So, I jumped into the bandwagon and purchased "Modern React with Redux" by Stephen Grider and learnt a

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