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Venkata Sujatha Tokala
 Innomids blog author - Venkata Sujatha Tokala
Venkata Sujatha Tokala - Associate Manager - Quality Engineering

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Realizing Digital Transformation Through Robotic Process Automation

By Venkata Sujatha Tokala In Quality Engineering Posted

In the current business environment, all companies are thriving to go digital. All departments and functions of organizations are being digitalized to reduce dependency on physical infrastructure. Organizations can accomplish their business goals and objectives by including Cloud technologies in their process. In this context, Robotic Bots can save time and have cost benefits. Software robots,

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Accelerate Your Test Cycles Using Service Virtualization

By Venkata Sujatha Tokala In Quality Engineering Posted

Developers and testers are tasked with releasing software in short cycles. This demands continuous development and testing. This also means software must be developed and tested in tandem to achieve the ideal requirement. But not all parts of the software can be developed and tested simultaneously. Some components may not be ready yet or even accessible on time to enable continuous development

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How Agile Helps In Continuous Testing

By Venkata Sujatha Tokala In Quality Engineering Posted

The world of business is always changing. Customers are expecting continuous services from business applications. If any business application is down even for few minutes, it is not only a loss for the business, but also the customers lose trust in such companies.

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Accelerate Agile Journey by Adopting Industry Best Practices

Irrespective of the scope, every project should follow a sequence of actions to be controlled and managed. A typical project management process includes the following phases to achieve specific tasks & these phases define the project management lifecycle:

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