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Innominds Blogs About Latest Software Technologies | Innominds Blog | Quality Engineering (2)

Stepping Towards Successful Autonomous Software Testing

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Most organizations spend thousands of hours creating QA tests for applications, meticulously breaking down the application and debugging it from release to release. This enormous amount of time spent in manual testing produces very little outcome as it slows down development and affects productivity. Automating the testing by injecting test automation scripts into every stage of the test cycle

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the New Frontier in Software Testing

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Quality Engineering Posted

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) are the next steps to digital evolution that are redefining technology across the testing landscape. In terms of application development, there are newer requirements and trends such as Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Continuous Integration (CI) that are pushing the Quality Assurance teams to include automation at every step of the testing

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The Future of Testing with AI-led Automation Tools

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Deliver high quality software with AI-powered test automation tools, by speeding-up software development and streamlining production and test cycles with minimal manual involvement in mundane processes

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How Cloud-based Testing Drives Digital Transformation

By Bharat Gupta In Quality Engineering Posted

In the past few years, IT has witnessed an evolution of virtualization in the form of cloud computing and as a model that views everything “As a Service”. With the use of virtualization, the idea of sharing computing resources across multiple operating systems to increase scalability, reduce costs and enable easy administration of IT infrastructure, has become a reality. Cloud-based testing can

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Pilot Implementation of Software Products in the Automobile Industry

By Suresh Basavaraj Hachadad In Quality Engineering Posted

“By 2025, nearly two-thirds of digital innovation factories will be prolific software producers with code deployed daily, over 90% of apps cloud-native, 80% of code externally sourced and 1.6 times more developers than today.” - IDC “We had a great plan, a competitive product, but still, we failed in the market”. Many of us would have come across such a statement when it comes to failed product

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The Important Role of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in Digital Transformation

We are in the age of extensive digital transformation with the rapid development of mobile and cloud technologies.

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Why AI-Driven Quality Engineering is the Future of QA

By Kevin Surace In Quality Engineering Posted

Innominds has partnered with, the inventor and leader in AI-driven testing, to help next-generation businesses capitalize on the disruptive power of AI-driven solutions. Marking a new beginning of this collaboration, Kevin Surace, Chairman & CTO,, shares his thoughts in this guest blog

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Going beyond Gaming: VR/AR as a disruptive technology for enterprises

AR/VR is currently creating positive disruption for a vast number of operational processes: from design and rapid prototyping to the final production and assembly.

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Why Virtual Reality Game Testing and Quality Engineering is Crucial for a Great Gaming Experience

Who doesn’t love gaming? Especially since Virtual Reality (VR) has truly taken the user experience to the next level with its immersive experience in the gaming action.

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Performance Test Workload Modelling Based on Real-World Usage

By Sridhar Vangapandu In Quality Engineering Posted

The performance of web applications is becoming critical due to the exponentially increased usage of the applications and growing competition in the market. Today, both IT and business stakeholders are more concerned about the application performance. Simulating real user’s behavior during the performance test becomes a vital factor in achieving desired performance test results.

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