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How to Become a Remote-First Company Mitigating the Covid-19 Crisis

By Sairamprabhu Vedam,

Almost one-third of the world’s population is under strict lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, which has impacted the global economy, affecting many businesses and forcing millions of people to stay at home.

Consequently, it has forced people to work from home. The situation is undoubtedly becoming precarious as many businesses are facing unrest, with many functioning in a stealth mode, some are on a verge of shutting down, and worse some even doubt if they can make a comeback ever.

But desperate times breed desperate measures and solutions. Slowly, but effectively, the technology world and the industry are trying to cope up with this disaster like situation and are coming up with answers. It primarily focuses on businesses becoming Remote-First, and helping millions of people work from their homes effectively.

Innominds Solutions to mitigate this Covid-19 crisis

Innominds extends its deep empathy, solidarity, and support to the whole world and we hope, together, will shoulder through this situation effectively. In this time of crisis we’re trying to help businesses and remotely working professionals to mitigate this Covid-19 crisis with our solutions.

Innominds Solutions: Navigating Transition to Remote Work During Covid-19

Innominds is a Digital Transformation solutions company having a Product Engineering background. Our highly integrated smart devices, apps and analytics solution expertise has helped global businesses in automating, digitizing their processes and enabling workforces to become efficient and productive.

During these extraordinary times, here’s how our solutions can help businesses become ‘Remote-First’ enabling your day to day work and operations streamlined, run smooth and uninterrupted as ever. Our solutions bring forth the ease, comfort, effectiveness and work productivity to businesses and its remote working employees.

10 Ways Innominds Can Help Businesses Endure Covid-19 Crisis

  1. Achieve true digitization of workforce for efficient business operations

    We help in digitalizing & automating businesses' workforces & processes using emerging technologies, which indeed is the need of the hour.

    • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – RPA is our best fit solution and a game-changer for optimizing operational efficiencies by automating tedious, repetitive and time consuming rule-based tasks, thereby letting you focus on much important cognitive & creative tasks. For instance, we’ve improved Customer Service for Claims Management through email automation for one of our clients.
    • Invoice Processor Solution It reduces manual handling of invoices, avoids errors and decreases the time required to process invoices. Our solution digitally captures all incoming invoices ensuring that they are all mapped correctly in the system. Like we used cognitive technology to generate tax information from structured and unstructured data.
    • Chatbot Solutions – Continuous, personalized and intelligent learning experiences for your business results in better user engagement & increased customer loyalty. Our Chatbot solutions can integrate with any cloud, are easy to maintain, providing you with an analytics view emphasising how effectively the Bots are functioning. Chatbots are of immense value in healthcare, especially, in the Covid-19 crisis. Here, we developed an intelligent self-learning application that understands and processes the language to deliver the accurate response for its users.
    • Asset Tracking & Monitoring – Provides deeper insights into your fleet operations movement, its location, condition of the asset, etc. 
    • Remote Patient Monitoring – Remote medicine and patient records management, communication & monitoring, powered by analytics
    • Learning Management Systems (LMS) – Helps in education, training and development of remote teams
  2. Ensuring your apps are smart, devices secure & systems are compliant

    Using emerging technologies, containers and microservices, we rebuild and develop progressive apps. Coupled with our people-centric Customer Experience (CX) design approach it empowers businesses with active user engagement, better customer outreach and helps in colossal customer conversations.

    Innominds’ App Modernization Services transform legacy apps/systems/platforms into highly-functional and powerful systems. Furthermore, fortifying your apps enhance user experience & security. Our App Modernization services help assist in rebuilding and developing microservices to access core functions.

    Innominds’ Quality Engineering Services ensure that the apps/platforms/products are tested thoroughly with our complete Test Automation suite – ‘Harmony’, which drastically reduces test cycle times while saving huge costs for your business. For instance, we performed customization and integration of test automation framework with customized features, and automated the test cases for validation of WAVE and ETSI standards while fully automating approximately 1925 test cases for one of our clients.

    Our Enterprise Security Solutions ensure safeguarding & securing your company information, apps, networks, systems and employee communication especially for remotely based businesses and employees.

    Our Cloud Engineering solutions help businesses migrate, modernize, automate & upgrade their data successfully to cloud. We migrated and replicated data into Azure and AWS cloud while implementing zero downtime manual upgrades through the help of multi cloud architecture, ensuring 100% uptime for cloud operations and providing over 28% of cost benefits to the client by leveraging opensource platforms.

    Our Connected Devices & IoT solutions, and related expertise in embedded systems, software & hardware empowers the IoT powered connected & edge devices with complete security, ensuring high-performance & help meet all necessary regulatory HIPAA, IEEE, and other industry-standard compliances.

    Face Detection - Our Computer Vision and Video Analytics solutions help in face detection, which is now widely used by governments & law enforcement agencies in the wake of the COVID 19 outbreak.

  3. Stay agile and provide quick turnaround application & product development remotely

    Our Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions have ensured a secure workspace, reducing capital & operational expenditure, thus transforming the VDI landscape. Our lean and agile processes enable faster project release times.

    Our Digital Product Development teams take end-to-end care of product development, right from ideating, designing, developing & building market-oriented, cutting-edge digital products and applications for your business, irrespective of its stage in the product life cycle.

  4. DevOps and Cloud transforming businesses

    Cloud computing has become important for global businesses and when combined with DevOps culture, it transforms organizations in a big way. We convert monolithic applications into microservices architecture & we have deep expertise in architectural design, application development, UI/UX design, QA Engineering, Security Engineering & migrating in-house applications to the cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Private Cloud, etc.)

    Our Cloud Computing Expertise -

    • Cloud Readiness Testing
    • Cloud Architecture & Design
    • DevOps Engineering & Automation
    • Cloud Migration/Operations Management
    • 24/7 AMS & DevOps technical support on L1, L2, L3 tickets using ticketing system applications like ServiceNow, Jira & PagerDuty

    DevOps Expertise -  We have a strong DevOps expertise and we owe it to our company’s 20 years of product engineering culture. Right from adoption to multi-cloud approach, Containerization & Kubernetes, DevOps Security, DevOps-as-a-Service (DaaS), Serverless Architectures, AI, ML in DevOps, incorporating the 6Cs of DevOps processes, we have built a strong forte in the above mentioned areas.

  5. Ensure your systems & applications are scalable, high-performing & secure

    Our App Modernization services transform legacy apps/systems/platforms to become more scalable, agile and dynamic. We help in modernizing and fortifying your apps thus improving user experience & security. Our Cloud services help businesses migrate, modernize, automate & upgrade their data successfully to the cloud, making the data/apps scalable, high-performing and super-efficient. Our Test automation suite ‘Harmony’ ensures that all your apps/platforms/products are tested thoroughly. Its reusable components significantly reduce test cycle times and save huge costs for your business. Our Enterprise Security services ensure that the integrity of all your data and systems stays intact, protected, and secured from any cyber-attacks.

  6. Ensure your operational decision-making is accurate through our AI-driven analytics and data engineering platform

    Our award-winning, AI/ML-powered iFusion Analytics platform along with our Integrated Big Data as a Service (IBDaaS) helps in effective collecting, processing, analyzing and storing of huge amounts of data coming from heterogeneous sources like IIoT, edge devices and IoT-powered sensors, drones, cameras or any smart devices, social conversations, telecom call records, etc. Our iFusion analytics platform presents the collected information via insights in a highly-visual 360-degree, real-time analytical view dashboards. It helps businesses and CXOs make smart data-driven decisions. We have handled huge data lake projects of complex nature and reduced the data lake costs projects by 40%.

  7. Automate your end-to-end application infrastructure and ecosystem for continuous delivery & deployment

    Innominds expertise in architecting and managing cloud operations, powered by its engineering & DevOps processes helps companies in better user engagement with guaranteed SLAs. Our Continuous Integrations and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines ensure delivery of software to a production environment with speed, safety and reliability. Our Test Automation and Quality Engineering processes powered by our Harmony, comprehensive test automation suite facilitate for faster and lesser reusable test cycles saving money. Our Cloud & DevOps solutions along with our agile methods ensure lower costs, faster development, testing and delivery of projects. Our RPA solutions help in automating your repetitive manual tasks letting you focus on cognitive creative tasks.

  8. Make sure your application & product experiences are tailored to be Remote-First

    In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, many businesses are not able to run their operations smoothly and fail to provide a better user experience for their customers. We can help businesses to become ‘Remote-First’ facilitating your operations to become streamlined, smooth and uninterrupted as ever.

    Our solutions for businesses bring forth the same ease, comfort, effectiveness and work productivity for the employees that plan to work remotely. Our Cloud & DevOps, UI/UX,  Microservices, Containers, VDI, RPA, Chatbots, Digital Immersion, Cloud Migrations, App Modernization, Test Automation Suites, Quality & Security Engineering, Blockchain, and Big Data Analytics are some of the services through which, we can help businesses run smoothly, providing customers with uninterrupted service and greater user experience.

  9. Launch Digital Twins, 3D Imaging, Augmented Reality & Companion Apps in no time

    Our Digital Products and Applications are at the forefront in embracing the latest technologies like Digital Twin, 3D, and AR in giving users a great user experience across all platforms.

    Digital Twin - is a precise visualization of a physical object such as a product or infrastructure component. They are typically used to display information about the physical object collected with systems and sensors. Digital Twins which embed AR, Data Visualization, Big Data, AI, ML, and IoT are key in Industry 4.0. They’re predominantly used in the IIoT, engineering and manufacturing business space. 

    3D Imaging - helps in design, building prototypes and product development, inventing a new product, giving a complete 360-degree view of a product and a clearer understanding through imagery.

    Augmented Reality - Augmented Reality (AR) is the blend of information, media, user interfaces and virtual entities with real-world elements. Some of the use cases in AR include:

    • AR can make employee onboarding experience engaging and experiential
    • AR can be used in construction and using mixed reality applications to remove the need for manuals and complex instructions

    Companion App - Our solutions provide a great visual way to engage and retain customers. Running mostly on ML, it enhances the brand experience of customers. It is widely used in infotainment, automobile, gaming, and sports. We’ve developed a companion app for a smartwatch, which provides better user engagement and experience fulfilling its users’ fitness goal for a global watch brand.

  10. Achieve digital immersion and beat the challenges of staying remote

    Digital immersion experience is the next big thing in technology. It is illusory that surrounds you such that you feel that you are inside and part of it.

    Innominds Digital Products & Applications services provides digital immersion solutions using visual imagery with the elements of mixed reality helping businesses like arts, education, events, theme parks, and medical (in complex surgeries).

Overall, Innominds wide range of solutions and expertise empowers businesses to help become ‘Remote-First.’ We help them become more stable and highly operational. Most importantly, we win and retain customers’ trust in this crisis time. Our services ensure that your business services stay in supreme form, helping you to serve your customers better.

Do not hesitate, let us know if we could be of any help to your business! Send us your query and we’ll be real quick in responding.

Stay Safe, Stay Secure, Stay Virtual!

Topics: Technology

Sairamprabhu Vedam

Sairamprabhu Vedam

Chief Marketing Officer - Executive Leadership
Sairam Vedam is the Chief Marketing Officer at Innominds, a full cycle platform led AI first specialist software product engineering services company that helps enterprises and ISVs unlock the power of Digital, working to drive their Digital Next initiatives. Sairam brings 20+ years of overall industry experience with a deep understanding of technologies, solutions and IP-led software services offerings. He was recognised and awarded by BBC Knowledge Series, CMO Asia, World Marketing Congress and Enterprise IT, Paul Writer from 2014-19 for demonstrating impactful global marketing leadership consistently for the last 7 years and is an external advisor with Bain&Co one of the world's leading consulting firms.
All views expressed are personal and not of the employer.

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