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Build a Simple App Using Final Space API in ReactJS

By Nabendu Kumar Biswas In App Development Posted

Welcome to a new React JS project, where we are going to build a simple app using Final Space API. So, fire up your terminal and create a new react app final-space-react with the below command.

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Car Sales Solution Finds New Trajectories in Quality Engineering with DevOps and Test Automation

By Innominds In Quality Engineering Posted

Adapting to changing consumer requirements is a primary goal for any organization to sell better and progress in managing their business from the sales point of view. When a business fails to recognize the customer’s choice and preferences, catering to the relevant market becomes more and more of a stressful scenario.

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Asset Tracking Solution Relies on Innominds’ End-to-End IoT Sensor Testing on Web-App, Cloud, and Device

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Quality Engineering Posted

Asset tracking and management pose a tremendous challenge to organizations that deal with transportation of various equipment, supplies and material from one location to the other or over long distances. Losses, theft and damage to assets result in losses amounting to trillions of dollars for companies around the world.

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How Innominds Became the Strategic QE Partner for a Global Cloud Data Platform

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Quality Engineering Posted

Software quality assurance currently stresses upon the speed of delivery of apps on top of quality through the implementation of better QA practices that includes DevOps. Supporting faster development through automation and DevOps CI/CD is considered the better alternative to old QA methods.

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The COVID-19 Pandemic is Pushing Banks to Adopt Conversational AI More Than Ever

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Big Data & Analytics Posted

Digital transformation was already a top priority for banks as they were facing extreme competition from much larger banks and fintech companies. The main challenge for banks is to stay ahead of others by offering faster and more convenient customer service options. But with the ongoing pandemic, banks are facing uncertainty and much tougher challenges to stay afloat. The demand for providing the

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How Innominds enables Autonomous AI for the enterprises

By Sairamprabhu Vedam In Big Data & Analytics Posted

Powers full lifecycle AI management from data exploration to modeling to production – MLOps, ModelOps, Edge Analytics and DataOps

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Low-Code Platforms Are All Set to Revolutionize Application Development for Large and Small Enterprises

Software development without coding was a concept unheard of prior to the introduction of low code and no code application development platforms that took the centre stage in the next big list of development inventions for the decade. Low code was recently listed on Forbes as one of “Nine Software Development Trends In 2021 To Watch For Now”.

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How NLP-based Cognitive Capabilities of AI Chatbots Increase Business Interactivity

By Innominds In Platforms and Solutions Posted

As conversational AI technologies gain traction, they substitute hard processes, becoming valuable assets to businesses that are seeking to gain a competitive advantage among peers. Automated processes reduce the burden on employees in every office space by taking away the most time-consuming and mundane activities that plug creativity.

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5 ways in which low-code is transforming the banking business landscape

While the pandemic is raging in the world currently, businesses stand the danger of a rapid decline in financial stability and inability to maintain critical revenue generating assets. In the past year, many businesses have inculcated more digital aspects in their customer facing activities in order to sustain themselves. The banking sector has faced a similar setback, since people forewent major

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How Conversational AI Creates New Business Avenues for Enterprises and ISVs

By Innominds In Solutions Posted

As businesses are growing, serving customer queries is no longer restricted to direct and personal employee interactions but has instead moved to digital channels through interactive displays and service chat bots.

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