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Benefits of using APM Tools in Performance Testing

apm tool1.pngPerformance Testing of any application involves identifying bottlenecks related to infrastructure, network, code level issues and server resource utilization among others. A continuous and thorough monitoring of all the above aspects will not only help in identifying reasons for performance bottlenecks but also assist in performance engineering of the application providing insights into code level issues and DB slow queries.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools come handy to monitor all the above key areas and help determine reasons for any performance issues. Performance testing window will be very less compared to real time usage of the application. While doing performance test, we monitor the server behavior for couple of hours and test for endurance with predefined time and load. Whereas, in real scenario, the situation may be different. A continuous monitoring solution can help us to estimate the load and performance forecasting.

Why use APM tools? 

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  • The APM tools have the ability to monitor round the clock the entire application stack across infrastructure & network.
  • Generates alerts & notifications on server health and critical business transactions based on the rules defined for threshold.
  • Enables storage of historic data of the application performance metrics, which help to identify and compare the application performance with earlier versions.
  • Allows integration with various load testing tools to measure end to end performance.
  • Supports synthetic transaction monitoring across different geographical locations to determine the performance of the application in any given region.
  • Provides flexible pricing models to keep the OPEX costs low. APM tools are available on SaaS - Pay as you go or On-premise.

Benefits of APM tools using in Performance testing

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Business Transactions - APM tools display response time of the transaction and categorize the business transaction statuses such as: Normal, Slow, Very Slow, Stall and Error. They also provide transaction snapshots with call graphs, which allow to drill down details of application tier, calling methods, external calls etc., and enables us to see which method is taking more time.

Code Level Diagnostics - As part of performance testing, it provides ability to determine which transaction is slow, and helps us in identifying the reasons for slow transaction by allowing to drill down to the method in code causing issue and helps in isolating the performance bottlenecks.

Custom Dashboards – Provides custom dashboards with graphical representation of the dozens of required performance metrics and KPIs. APM tools allow us to create custom dashboards based on the choice of metrics CPU, memory, garbage collection, heap memory usage etc., and to view in different Chart Styles. It also allows to share the dashboard reports by creating specific URL.

Alerts/Notifications - Alerts can be created based on rules, conditions, threshold or policies over any changes in the key performance indicators or server health metrics. Alerts can be shared via mail or SMS.

Server Metrics - APM tools continuously monitor end to end infrastructure which include health of the server and server level metrics such as garbage collection, heap memory utilization, CPU, memory etc., and makes it easy to identify performance bottlenecks.

Innominds has deep expertise in leveraging APM tools across the performance testing life cycle to provide end to end performance testing solution to leading enterprises and ISVs.

Innominds is a dedicated product incubator for technology industry clients seeking help with Design, Technology and Quality Engineering solutions across all stages of their product life cycle. We have deep expertise in Quality Engineering with extensive experience in setting up dedicated and secured Offshore Development / Test Centers with replicated client environments for technology companies and Enterprises, ensuring Quality @ Speed.

Interested! For any demos or POCs, please write to us at and know more about our offerings.

Topics: Quality Engineering

Venkata Ratna Sowri Kumar Nimmakayala

Venkata Ratna Sowri Kumar Nimmakayala

Venkata Ratna Sowri Kumar Nimmakayala - Principal Engineer - Quality Engineering

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