Hyderabad, India - September 12, 2017 - We are proud to announce that Innominds has been recognized amongst CIO Review’s 100 Most Promising Big Data Solution Providers - 2017. The award is given after extensive evaluation by CIO Review's panel of experts of several solution providers.
CIO Review’s distinguished panel comprising CEOs, CIOs, VCs, industry analysts along with its editorial board has reviewed the top Big Data solution providers and shortlisted the ones that are at the vanguard fulfilling the urgent demands of the industry. The listing offers a look into how these solutions are put to use, thereby enabling you to gain a comprehensive
knowledge as to how they will optimize businesses.
Speaking to CIO Review, Divakar Tantravahi, CEO Innominds said that "If organizations want to extract value from their data, they must focus on a business-first rather than a data-first view of data. Data engineers must widen their horizons and focus on enabling the accelerated solving of the problems of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Chief Digital Officer (CDO) rather than only those of the CIO function. Organizations must hardwire the Big Data investment
to its impact in the market and to the organization's market value".

Innominds has been selected after extensive analysis of several solution providers. We have been recognized as an innovation acceleration partner focused on designing, developing and delivering technology solutions for specialized practices in Big Data & Analytics, Connected Devices, and Security, helping enterprises with their digital transformation initiatives.
About CIO Review
CIO Review constantly endeavors to identify “The Best” in a variety of areas important to tech business. Through nominations and consultations with industry leaders, its editors choose the best in different domains. The Big Data Special Edition is an annual listing of 100 Most Promising Big Data Solution Providers 2017 in the U.S.
About Innominds
Innominds is a dedicated product incubator for technology industry clients seeking help with Design, Technology and Engineering solutions across all stages of their product life cycle.