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Lakshmi Achanta, Innominds CPO, Speaks on ‘The Future of Work’ at LinkedIn Event

Cami Zimmer on September 12, 2016

Ms. Lakshmi Achanta, Partner and Chief People Officer here at Innominds, delivered the keynote speech at a LinkedIn event called "CHRO Roundtable".

Sharing her thoughts on the ‘Future of Work’, Ms. Achanta focused on how new technologies, data analytics and social networks have reshaped the world of work, making a huge impact on how we communicate, collaborate and work. She shared real life examples to illustrate how HR business practices have changed over time from the conventional methods of managing talent.

HR leaders from various industry segments gathered at the September 1 event to explore how the changing business landscape will impact their people management strategies.

Here are just a few of the great photos from the event. Contact us to learn more about The Future of Work, or visit here to learn more about the Innominds Core Values.


Tags: Insider

Cami Zimmer

Cami Zimmer

Head of Corporate Communications and North America Events

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